
The transition to the real world. OR I don't write this way.

The problem is that I’m being asked to write before 10 p.m. I’ve done it before in college, but that was also when I had a hard and fast deadline. Now not only are they asking me to write between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30, when the sun’s up and most children are at school, they’re asking me to write without any sort of time pressure. I’m my own boss now?

To overcome this problem, I’d usually just fix my location. I varied my spot in the library based on my feelings. Perhaps, in the morning, I’d be near a window to embrace the morning light. At night, I might retreat to a couch where I could snuggle up and combat the encroaching hours of a.m.

Now I’m in a cubicle. A cubicle with a desktop. My ass has literally begun flattening because I sit in the same chair. I can’t get up and walk in circles around my computer, trying to get my brain to work. I can’t move locations for the right writing “vibe.” No, I’m imprisoned with my computer, where everyone can watch me and access my productivity.

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