
oh yeah.

And thus, with this, my blog, I quit fighting my inner tool. Because it's hard to stand on the edge of being a tool and wanting to fight it so bad in order to avoid being "that girl with a blog," and then realize that you're never doing any writing like you promised yourself you would so you might as well have that blog.

(Break. Breathe. Ahem.)

One could translate that sentence as: I am making this blog because I don't do any writing even though I pretended that I wanted to be a writer at one point in my life.

But I like it the way I phrased it before better.
Be indirect.
Be happy.
Be inane.
It's just how I roll. (Confession.... I also almost wrote roooooll but the mere fact that I am just blogging, I have decided that I must limit all and any emoticons and generally aim-ish speak).

So let me lay some ground rules for blog:
- blog will not revert to a teenage rant.
- blog will try to be introspective but fail.
- blog will always be funnier when i'm angry.
- blog will never use "u," "ur," ":)," or variation of these... unless for dramatic effect

((Kerrie, since you're the only one who will ever see blog as of right now, then you are responsible for mainting policing of blogging rules. Let me know when I go too emo, okay?))

Anyway, everyone wants to be a writer, not everyone has anything to say.
I probably don't, but that's never stopped me before.

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